CJWinter’s technology and cold root rolling tools were recently featured in an article on Engineering.com, a leading engineering publication for engineering content, news and information about the latest technology.

The article, titled Cold Root Rolling: How a Simple Process Can Save Millions of Dollars, features CJWinter’s senior design engineer Sandro Belpanno and details the process and benefits of cold rolling.
Belpanno explains how almost all kinds of thread forms can be cold rolled, and adds that the process can add three to five times the fatigue life of a thread that has not been cold rolled.
“We’ve also rolled all kinds of proprietary forms, by all kinds of companies, and all the feedback that we’ve received from someone that’s done a study is that regardless of the thread form, cold root rolling does have significant, measurable improvement on fatigue life.” — Sandro Belpanno, Senior Design Engineer
In just a week, a failed offshore drilling connection can cost $2 million. That’s more than $250,000 every day.
The CJWinter engineers know the business of oil and gas drilling, and they’re intimately aware of what’s at stake. In Engineering.com’s article, our team also gives some firsthand insight into the tools, design and benefits of cold root rolling as a manufacturing innovation — and savings breakthrough for the industry.
“We try to keep our tools as modular as possible so that they’ll drop into as many machines as possible,” Belpanno told Engineering.com. “One of the challenges is packing as much sophistication into the tool, yet keeping it in a profile that won’t interfere with any of the other tools in the packages typically needed for these connections.”
Regardless of the thread form, be it proprietary or from the American Petroleum Institute, the effects of cold root rolling have been the same: improved strength, increased resistance to stress and superior resistance to corrosion in the rotary shouldered connection in question.
Find the rest of the interview, with an insider perspective on the tools, process and benefits of cold root rolling, at engineering.com.
You can also find information and insight with downloads from our digital library, or by contacting the CJWinter team.